IVEL 10 LTD is a licensed company with many years of experience in the field of logging and wood processing. It has specialized in the production and trade of shaped wood and firewood products for more than 10 years. In any case, it is certain that our prices are the lowest on the market compared to those of our competitors. This is due to the incomparable dynamics of our company, the fully specialized machines and equipment we have, our participation in all stages of production and trade in firewood without intermediaries, as well as our prevailing philosophy for a small percentage of profit in large quantities. ” Ivel 10 ”Ltd. is one of the leading companies on the market of: Round timber. Production of peeled, sharpened, turned and ground stakes. Their application is for vineyards, orchards, supports, fences, construction sites, playgrounds, decorations of parks and gardens. Processed firewood that has been cut and split on a Finnish processor.
林地所有人, 国家森林, 森林采伐 – 伐木承包商, 森林管理人 – 林业专家, 造林树苗圃, 木材运输业, 木材商人, 切片木皮单板生产商, 旋切木皮单板生产商, 木皮单板拼接、裁接, 封边边条生产商, 厨房制造商, 儿童家具、宝宝家具制造商, 木椅制造商, 床 – 床架制造商, 沙发&长椅制造商, 室内家具生产商, 装饰物件生产商, 藤制家具制造商, 办公室家具制造商, 订制家具生产商, 庭园家具生产商, 薪材生产商, 庭院产品制造商, 栈板制造商, 容器、盒子、包装、条板箱制造商, 食物包装制造商, 栈板修复/栈板回收, 木框栈板, 栈板/包装材料供货商, 不动产, 室内设计师, 促销人, 植物制造商, 原木出口商, 木材出口商, 森林采伐 – 伐木承包商, 锯切服务, 认证(国际标准化组织、森林管理委员会、森林验证认可计划…)