La Barigazzi F.lli opera dal 1962, attualmente nella sede che si estende su un’area di 40.000 mq di cui 10.000 coperti vengono prodotti ogni anno 1,5 milioni di pallets, dai tipi a perdere 2 e 4 vie, a quelli colorati o marchiati a fuoco, ai box pallets, alle cornici, ai CP, ai pallets EUR certificati EPAL.
La potenza dei pannelli solari alimenta l’azienda e riduce l’impatto ambientale.
Barigazzi Pallets, ha fatto un importante passo verso un futuro sostenibile investendo in un impianto fotovoltaico all’avanguardia. Questa iniziativa mira non solo a ridurre i costi energetici dell’azienda, ma anche a mitigare l’impatto ambientale attraverso la produzione di energia pulita.
Barigazzi Pallets has taken a significant step towards a sustainable future by investing in a cutting-edge photovoltaic system. This initiative aims not only to reduce the company’s energy costs but also to mitigate the environmental impact through the production of clean energy.
The history of Barigazzi Fratelli begins in 1962 in a garage in the center of Coenzo. There, the poplar wood was processed. available in abundant quantities in the plains, to obtain fruit crates. A few years later, local industry began to take off and the Barigazzi focused on the production of pallets, a necessary ...
Barigazzi F.lli is one of the first Italian packaging companies to achieve PEFC certification and has been producing PEFC-certified pallets for more than 10 years.
Strong environmental awareness and the pursuit of sustainability has led the company to invest in green projects that prioritize the use of resources with low environmental impact...展开内容