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橡木 I 38 公厘 * 54 公厘 * 220-520 公厘 长条 新锯 50-100 立方公尺 / 识别

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种类 长条
物种类型 欧洲硬木
物种 橡木


规模 50 - 100 立方公尺 识别 – 1次 转变
厚度 38 公厘  转变
宽度 54 公厘 转变
长度 220-520 公厘 转变
分级系统 法国分级规则
品质 I
烘干 新锯
MIX (AB-80% / BC- 20%)
Oak frieze class MIX (AB-80% / BC- 20%)
Cutting: 38x54x220-520 mm
Invoicing: 34x50x200-500 mm
Oak frieze class AB
Quality: Occasional sound knots up to 5 mm are allowed on the A side. On the B side, healthy knots up to 10 mm, black knots up to 5 mm, and white knots located half way from the A side are allowed. On the side sides, healthy knots up to 20 mm, black knots up to 10 mm, diseased knots up to 5 mm and shallow plugs up to 30 mm are allowed. These defects must be 15 mm from the edge. Other defects not allowed.
Oak frieze class BC
Quality: Healthy knots up to 20 mm, black and diseased knots up to 5 mm are allowed on the B side. Knots are 15 mm from the edge. White without limits. On the C side, healthy knots up to 20 mm are allowed, black knots, tobacco knots up to 15 mm, sick knots up to 10 mm, small plugs up to 10 mm. On the side sides, healthy knots up to 20 mm, black knots up to 10 mm, diseased knots up to 5 mm and shallow plugs up to 30 mm are allowed. These defects must be 15 mm from the edge. Other defects not allowed. - Translated with google


价格 急需的 EUR 每 立方公尺 转变
销售至: 全球范围


5th   年份

我确认我已阅读和理解 Fordaq 的隐私声明


供应信息 16 Dec 2024 09:56

橡木 I 42 公厘 * 54 公厘 * 220-520 公厘 长条 新锯 50-100 立方公尺 / 识别

供应信息 18 Feb 2025 10:51

橡木 27 公厘 * 100-140 公厘 * 620-1220 公厘 长条 窑干(kd) 10 立方公尺 / 识别 – 1次 从 德国

来自 Sägewerk Wagener GmbH
供应信息 28 Jan 2025 08:37

橡木 30 公厘 * 76 公厘 * 220-520 公厘 长条 空气干燥(ad) 50-100 立方公尺 / 月

供应信息 12 Dec 2024 10:26

橡木 20 公厘 * 80 公厘 * 350 公厘 长条 新锯 20-100 立方公尺 / 识别 – 1次 从 波兰

来自 Waltimber
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