产品 |
产品 | 杆柱 |
物种类型 | 欧洲硬木 |
物种 | 板栗 |
规格 |
分级系统 | - |
品质 | - |
规模 | 1-2 货斗 每个月 转变 |
直径 | 10+ 公厘 转变 |
长度 | 1+ 公尺 转变 |
描述 |
Requested Volume: 1 load each 2. month truckloads Price including shipping Location: Denmark Hello we are the biggest distributor of chestnut fencing in Denmark, I am interested in receiving offer oofer on poles in chestnut from you. I am also interested in boards and beams.
Kind regards |
价格&条件 |
价格 | 询价 |
获采购自: | 全球范围 |