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May 2024

Chutes de prix sur les connexes de scierie

La branche de la 1ère transformation des résineux traverse une zone de turbulences. Non seulement les prix des sciages ont considérablement chuté depuis le printemps 2023, revenant quasiment à leurs niveaux d’avant Covid mais, en plus, les tarifs des connexes s’inscrivent eux aussi dans la même tendance baissière. [更多内容... ]

Apr 2024

France: Difficult times for the pallets and packaging market

The packaging market in France is sluggish. The prospects are not very encouraging.It's not surprising because this sector depends directly on the economy in general and particularly on multi-industrial activities and the state of health of construction. [更多内容... ]

Mar 2024

SCA announces price increases for kraftliner

SCA today announced that it will increase the prices on white and brown kraftliner in Europe by EUR 80 per tonne. [更多内容... ]

Feb 2024

Södra announces price increase

In order to contribute to the market's future need for biofuel and strengthen the profitability of the forest farm, Södra is adjusting the base price for GROT, i.e. branches and tops [更多内容... ]

Jan 2024

German timber price index for wooden packaging in December 2023 only partially decreasing

The monthly price index for sawn timber and wood-based materials for wooden packaging and pallets in Germany showed a partial turnaround in December 2023 compared to the previous month. [更多内容... ]

Rising prices for New Zealand radiata pine logs exported to Japan

The price of radiata pine logs from New Zealand is bullish to Japan in December, 2023 because the price of radiata pine logs to China has been rising. [更多内容... ]

Germany: Slight drop in pellet price in January 2024

Germany's pellet price fell slightly again in January 2024. According to the German Pellet Institute (DEPI), one ton currently costs an average of €327.20. [更多内容... ]

Sveaskog to raise timber prices

The Swedish state-owned Sveaskog begins 2024 by raising prices for private forest owners selling their timber to Sveaskog. [更多内容... ]

Swedish roundwood prices on the rise in 2023

In 2023 the roundwood prices on delivery timber in Sweden increased for sawlogs by 12% and for pulpwood by 37% in comparison to 2022 [更多内容... ]

Dec 2023

German pellet prices fall in December

As temperatures rose in mid-December 2023, the price of wood pellets in Germany fell again. According to the German Pellet Institute (DEPI), a ton of the fuel currently costs an average of €329.25. [更多内容... ]

Nov 2023

Energy wood prices surge in Finland

In the third quarter of 2023, energy wood prices in Finland continued their upward trajectory, setting new records and nearing the levels of pulpwood prices. [更多内容... ]

Swiss pellet price falls slightly in November 2023

The Swiss pellet price in November 2023 fell by 0.4 per cent compared to the previous month to an average of CHF 497.50 per tonne. [更多内容... ]

German pellet prices fall in November

Unusually, parallel to the temperatures, the price of wood pellets also fell again in November 2023. As the German Pellet Institute (DEPI) reports, one ton (t) of pellets currently costs an average of €350.85. [更多内容... ]

Global pulp prices have fallen steadily since late 2022, when they reached record highs

The most significant decline has been for hardwood pulp, traded at a substantial discount to softwood pulp. Global pulp inventories were down during the summer, and there were signs that the market tightened [更多内容... ]

Oct 2023

Price increase in pellet biomass boilers causes drop in sales

The EU states' desire to phase out gas and oil heating increased sales of biomass boilers by an average of 36% per year between 2019 and 2022 [更多内容... ]

German wood price index for wooden packaging materials continues to decline

The monthly price index for sawn timber and wood-based materials for wooden packaging and pallets in Germany recorded another minus in September 2023 compared to the previous month. [更多内容... ]

SCA to increase pulp price in Europe

SCA will increase the price on NBSK pulp (Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft) in Europe. [更多内容... ]

Sep 2023

Increase in roundwood prices in Sweden

The roundwood prices on delivery timber in Sweden increased for both sawlog and pulpwood during the second quarter of 2023 when compared with the first quarter of 2023. [更多内容... ]

Germany: Pellet prices fall in September

In Germany, the pellet price fell by 5.2 per cent in September 2023. According to the German Pellet Institute (DEPI), the average price is 382.44 euros per tonne for a purchase quantity of six tonnes. [更多内容... ]

Aug 2023

German pellet prices in August are 4.5% lower compared to the previous month

According to the German Pellet Institute (DEPI), the price of wood pellets fell slightly in August. A ton costs an average of €403.63. This is 4.5% less than in July. The price is around 41% and thus still well below the previous year's level. The price level, which is nevertheless high for the time of year, is influenced by the increased price for sawdust [更多内容... ]

Jul 2023

German wood price index for wooden packaging continues to fall in June 2023

The monthly price index for sawn timber and wood-based materials for wooden packaging and pallets again recorded a minus in June 2023 compared to the previous month. [更多内容... ]

N. American lumber prices surge amidst wildfires and strong housing demand

Over the past month, there has been a significant surge in lumber prices, influenced in part by the uncertainties caused by wildfires in Canada [更多内容... ]

Jun 2023

Central/West Africa: Weakening demand having a downward pressure on prices

Recent observations by operators in Central/West Africa signal a slowdown in demand in several markets. In Iraq, for example, the pace of new orders has fallen and in China demand is reported as slow [更多内容... ]

Sharp price increase for floor coverings in Switzerland

In 2022, according to the current INDUSTRY RADAR for floor coverings and parquet in Switzerland, manufacturer revenues for these stagnated at around CHF 265 million at the previous year's level. [更多内容... ]

Domestic lumber market in Japan faces price stabilization and supply challenges

There has been a noticeable halt in the declining prices of domestic logs and lumber in Japan during mid-May. The prices of laminated whitewood posts and laminated cedar posts, which are competitors to KD cedar posts, have reached their lowest point, leading to controlled inventory of imported lumber [更多内容... ]